Students Pour their Hearts out on Gurupournima

Monica Ramaswamy – Today most of us are aware that formal education in schools and colleges are insufficient or incomplete. Most of us crib that what we learn at schools and colleges is not real education. Then what is real education? What we learn from our parents? No.
What our parents can teach us is only what they have learnt or they try really hard to teach us what they have never learnt. But then from where can we get a complete education? From a guru. A Master.
Indian tradition and culture has the concept of a guru-shishya parampara wherein a child at a young age goes and lives with his guru for years, before he enters into the society, educated and whole.
I was always fascinated by this system and 2 years ago I wondered if it were possible to have that era even today. The next thing I knew I was taking admission here at this institute with my Master. And the minute I saw him I felt something. I felt that devotion that one feels towards a guru. And I realized my prayer had been answered. I was grateful.
But unfortunately as humans we all conveniently forget. Somewhere down the lane the class, the institute, Master all ended up as part of my routine and I forgot where I was. Forgot that this place, my Master was an answer to my prayers. We get very easily distracted once we are out in that society, living our false lives. We need to be reminded.
All of us have the good fortune of being sent here. All of us have been sent here by God. So let us not waste our time and take full advantage of this opportunity of being in the presence of our Master. Let us find the reason of our being here and do good for ourselves, this institute and of course for our Master. I wish to find my place here and fulfil it's every duty.
There are certain times when I look at my Master and he is either silent with himself or busy interacting with a student and I find that in those moments he looks so innocent, like a child. Radiating the kind of purity and love that we see only in infants. When you see a little kid lost in its own world you feel like simply looking at it all day. Similarly I have seen this very beautiful form of my Master. I promise to keep him in that state as far as I can. And try not to disappoint him from my side. Thank you.
Student and Disciple of the Master for the last 2 years
Student of Keimoudo® — Meditative Martial Arts, Reiki and Yoga

Teacher Dattatraya Desai – My name is Dattatraya Desai. I have been with Master for the last 4 and half years.
Every day I get to learn something new with Master. Ever since I have come to Master my life has completely changed. What Master teaches is not limited to martial arts or yoga, instead for me it has been education on how to live my life the right way.
Master always says that whatever you do, think of the consequences of those actions, and be ready to face it. Applying this in my life has been very beneficial for me, especially in my medicine studies.
For me my Master is the most respected person in my life! Master is a vast ocean of knowledge. It is my humble request to you all that in whichever art you are associated with Master, take the complete knowledge of that art from Master.
Student and Disciple of the Master for the last 4 years
Black belt 1st DAN
Keimoudo® — Meditative Martial Arts

Teacher Sunil Poojari - My name is Sunil Poojari. It has been more than four years that I am associated with Master. In these four years I have had a lot of experiences with Master, but to put those experiences into words would be very difficult. One can only feel it.
I always had difficulty in expressing myself to my Master, however Master always understood what I wanted to say, to convey just like a mother understands the needs of her new born baby. Master I Love You!!
Student and Disciple of the Master for the last 4 years
Black belt 1st DAN
Keimoudo® — Meditative Martial Arts

Teacher Harsha Udupa - Everyone seeks treasures in their lives. We seek and desire various materialistic things that we can treasure. After joining IIMMA about 9 years back, I found the greatest treasure I could ever hope to find: My Master.
It is impossible to fathom the greatness of the Master or what he can do for you in your life. I believe that Martial arts or Yoga is a tool that God used to bring us to him; now that we are here, we need to understand what we can truly achieve with the Master as our Guru.
Don't stop after a black belt or after perfecting Asanas. Understand the bigness of the art that you are learning and the greatness of the Master who is placed before you, and enjoy pleasures greater than you have imagined. Attend all talk sessions and participate in all our events to not only understand our Arts and Master, but also to take them to the world and let the world behold this treasure.
Student and Disciple of the Master for the last 9 years
Black belt 2nd DAN
Keimoudo® — Meditative Martial Arts
Traditional Reiki Teacher

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